Gibberellic acid

Product specification:


Appearance: white to light yellow powder

Product feature:

it is a biological fermentation product, and its effective ingredient is gibberellic acid. Gibberellic acid was discovered during the study of rice cachexia. It is a generic term for a class of compounds that have a gibberellin skeleton and can stimulate cell division and elongation. It is a plant growth regulator and one of the important hormones that promote plant growth and development.



1. Promote the elongation and growth of stems

The most significant physiological effect of gibberellic acid is to promote plant growth, mainly because it can promote cell elongation. Treatment with gibberellic acid to promote the growth of entire plants can significantly promote the growth of plant stems, especially for dwarf mutant varieties.

2. Break dormancy

Treating dormant potatoes with 2-3 ug. g of gibberellic acid can quickly germinate, which can meet the needs of planting potatoes multiple times a year. For seeds that require light and low temperature to germinate, such as lettuce, tobacco, perilla, plum, and apple, gibberellic acid can replace light and low temperature to break dormancy. This is because gibberellic acid can induce the synthesis of a-amylase, protease, and other hydrolytic enzymes, catalyzing the degradation of stored substances in the seeds for the growth and development of embryos.


3. Induced flowering

The differentiation of flower buds in some higher plants is influenced by the length of sunlight (i.e., the photoperiod) and temperature. For example, biennial plants require a certain number of days of low temperature treatment (i.e., vernalization) to bloom, otherwise they exhibit rosette like growth and cannot bolt and blossom. If gibberellic acid is applied to these non vernalized plants, flowering can be induced without the low-temperature process, and the effect is significant.

In addition, it can also induce flowering in some long-day plants instead of long-term sunlight, but gibberellic acid does not promote flower bud differentiation in short-day plants. For plants with differentiated flower buds, gibberellic acid has a significant promoting effect on the opening of their flowers. For example, gibberellic acid can promote the flowering of stevia, hemlock, cypress, and cedar plants.


4. Promote male flower differentiation

For monoecious plants, the proportion of male flowers increased after treatment with gibberellic acid; Female plants of dioecious plants, such as those treated with gibberellic acid, also produce male flowers.

5. Other physiological effects

Gibberellic acid can also enhance the mobilization effect of auxin on nutrients, promote fruit setting and parthenocarpy of certain plants, and delay leaf senescence. In addition, gibberellic acid can also promote cell division and differentiation.



wheat, cotton, rice, potato, tomato, cucumber, celery, cabbage, spinach, citrus tree, litchi tree, longan tree, pear tree, apple tree, tea tree, grape, pineapple, grassland, flowers, green manure, ginseng, etc.


Recommended dosage:

Potato                                 0.5-1                                   (Concentration parts per million)

Soybean                              3.5                                      (Concentration parts per million)

Cotton/Ginseng                 20                                      (Concentration parts per million)

Celery                                20-100                                 (Concentration parts per million)

Grape                                 50-150                                 (Concentration parts per million)



1. The water solubility of gibberellic acid is small. Before use, dissolve it with a small amount of alcohol, and then dilute it with water to the desired concentration.

2. The use of gibberellic acid treatment increases the number of sterile seeds in crops, so it is not appropriate to apply drugs to fields where seeds need to be left.



25kg/cardboard drum

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