Organic fertilizer (soybean source)

Product specification:

NPK 7-1-1 + organic matter 110% + Protein 60% + Amino acid 50% + Ca 3%

living bacteria count 200million cfu/g

Appearance: Brown-gray extruded

Derived from : Soybean

Product feature:

The product is made of pure soybean fermentation liquid and bacterial protein, and is refined by various processes such as biological enzymolysis technology. Soybean fermentation liquid is made by crushing soybean, extracting fungus secretion after biological fermentation, transforming cell protein into amino acid by using biological enzymolysis technology, and then extruding and granulating after re fermentation.


It is a kind of amino acid organic fertilizer with high content of pure plant source, which can be used to repair and improve the soil, fertilize the soil, promote the breeding of soil microorganisms, increase crop yield, improve the quality of agricultural products, increase the sweetness of fruits and melons, and extend the storage capacity and shelf life.

Its raw materials are the best, and the content of organic matter, protein and amino acid is much higher.


Suitable for fruit trees, vegetables, grains, cotton, garlic, ginger, peanuts, tobacco, flowers, seedlings, medicinal herbs and other crops.




1. It is made of pure soybean fermentation liquid and bacterial protein by fermentation and refining with biological enzymolysis technology.

2. The content of protein, organic matter and amino acid is very high, which can significantly improve crop quality, increase yield and income.

3. Improve the soil, fertilize the soil, and enhance the ability of crops to resist continuous cropping, disease and stress.

4. It is rich in beneficial microorganisms and enzymolysis amino acids, which can protect and nourish roots and improve fertilizer utilization

5. The content of water-soluble organic matter is high, activating the soil. PH value is weakly alkaline.

6. The utilization rate of active calcium is high, and the physiological calcium deficiency of crops is improved.



(1) It provides multiple nutrients and has long fertilizer effect.

It can provide rich organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and various trace elements for plant growth and development, and can continuously meet the needs of large amounts of nutrients for flowering and fruiting in the middle and late growth stages of crops.

(2) Improve soil structure and fertilize soil.

The organic matter in this organic fertilizer can loosen the hardened clay and reunite the loose sand, creating good water, air and temperature conditions for the growth and development of the crop root system, and promoting the growth and development of the aboveground part of the plant.

(3) Mitigate or control continuous cropping hazards.

This organic fertilizer can not only supplement soil nutrients at any time, improve soil structure, fertilize soil, but also eliminate toxic substances in soil, so as to reduce the damage of continuous cropping.

(4) Increase yield.

The field experiment result has proved that the application of this organic fertilizer can significantly improve crop yield, and the yield increase range is generally 15%~20%. The more barren the soil is, the more obvious the effect of this organic fertilizer is.

(5) Improve quality.

It can improve the utilization rate of fertilizer, improve the quality of crops, and improve the natural flavor of crops.

(6) Reduce pests and diseases

It can promote the growth of roots and plants, fully meet the nutritional requirements of crop growth, improve stress resistance, and greatly reduce the incidence of diseases and pests.

(7) Reduce the number of topdressing

Compared with other fertilizers, it can greatly reduce the number of topdressing, labor cost and fertilizer cost.



Suitable for fruit trees, vegetables, grains, cotton, garlic, ginger, peanuts, tobacco, flowers, seedlings, medicinal herbs and other crops.


Usage and reference dosage:

It is recommended to spread, apply in strips or acupoints.

Vegetables, flowers and cash crops: 500-700kg/ha.

Fruit trees: mix well with soil, apply fertilizer on drip line.

0.5kg/plant for small trees, 2-3kg/plant for large trees over 5 years old.


Topdressing shall be applied with water at a ratio of 1:80 after stiring and placing for several hours for flushing and drenching.

Specific dosage can be adjusted according to local soil fertility, crop growth and fertilization habits.


In 25kg plastic bag.

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